5 or 6 green apples
3/4 cup white sugar
1,5 spoon cinnamon
Allspice/Jamaica pepper (optional, not used when Bernardo made it for us)
~400g white flour
1/2 cup white sugar
A little bit of salt
~100g butter
1 or 2 eggs (we used 2)
2 teaspoons baking powder
Vanilla extract to taste (we used 2 teaspoons)
Olive oil or margarine to spread on cookie sheet/baking tray.

1. Peel the apples, cut each of them vertically in eight, cut off the cores, and then slice the eighth parts horizontally, very thin. The thinner the better, since thinner slices cook better in the oven. If you want to make it more visually appealing, and have patience to maybe double your workload, you can slice the eighths vertically and then arrange them on top of the dough.

2. Mix the sugar and the cinnamon in a cup, pour the mix over the apple and mix well.

3. Mix all other ingredients, and then mash it with hands, until homogenic and consistent.

4. If sticks in your hand, add more flour. If it's too dry and is "breaking", add a little bit of milk. Milk will also help it rise more and give it a softer texture.

5. The dough shouldn't be sticky, nor make your hands too dirty.

6. Lay the dough on a table top. Roll something cylindric over it to help spread it, until it's more or less the size of the cookie sheet/baking tray you're going to use.

7. Spread oil or margarine on the sheet/tray, and with your fingertips help the dough to cover the whole of the sheet's bottom (fixing and adjusting with the help of a knife where/if needed). There must be no holes or gaps.

8. Pour the apple+sugar+cinnamon mix over the dough. Spread well with the back of a spoon.

9. Sprinkle it with cinammon.

10. Bake for 15 minutes on medium-low heat, whatever medium-low heat is in your oven or thermometer scale. Apples should be tender, and dough should be well-cooked and be easy to dish out.
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